Legal information -

Corporate name: Carediffusion SASU Registered office: 1 rue Mondésir 44000 Nantes RCS (Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés): 951 395 532 R.C.S. Nantes SIRET: 95139553200017 TVA intracommunautaire: FR20951395532

Contact :

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Publication manager: Thierry Boinay Website host: Planet Hoster

4416 Louis-B.-Mayer Laval, Quebec Canada H7P 0G1

Intellectual property: All content on the website (text, images, logos, videos, etc.) is the exclusive property of Carediffusion SASU and is protected by French and international intellectual property laws. Any unauthorised reproduction, distribution, modification or use of this content is strictly prohibited.

Protection of personal data: Carediffusion SASU undertakes to respect the confidentiality of personal information collected when using the website. The data collected is used to manage orders, process payments and improve the services offered. In accordance with the French Data Protection Act, you have the right to access, rectify and delete your personal data. To exercise these rights, please contact our customer service department at the e-mail address given above.

Cookies: The website uses cookies to improve users' browsing experience. A cookie is a text file stored on your computer's hard drive by the website's server. Cookies make it easier for you to navigate the site, to offer you personalised functions and to analyse the use of the site. You can deactivate cookies in your browser settings.

Limitation of liability: Carediffusion SASU may not be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of the site, particularly in the event of interruption of service, technical problems, computer viruses or loss of data. Links to third-party sites on are provided for information purposes only and Carediffusion SASU accepts no responsibility for their content.

Applicable law and jurisdiction: This legal notice is subject to French law. In the event of a dispute, the French courts will have jurisdiction.

These legal notices may be modified at any time, so we recommend that you consult them regularly.

Date of last update: 13/07/2023